Mission Statement:
Hopedealers Worldwide supports those in the community whose lives have been touched by the disease of addiction by providing needs and services that support long-term recovery.
The mission of Hopedealers Worldwide is to foster a purpose in life, confidence, self-worth, and joy; to offer assistance to support consistent recovery success for individuals facing substance use disorder along with those family and friends touched by the disease of addiction; to facilitate repair, rehabilitation, and rejuvenation of relationships affected by addiction.
On a professional level, we provide educational scholarships and training for those in long-term recovery to obtain their Integrative Behavioral Health & Wellness Coaching Certification, Integrative Addiction Coaching, Certified Amen Clinics Brain Health Coaching, and Integrative Nutritional Health, Lifestyle, and Relationship Coaching.
We serve those whose lives have been touched by the disease of addiction by providing a wide array of support services to our community at our outreach community center, The R.O.C.C. including a variety of support group meetings from NA, AA, All-Recovery, Faith-based, Family support, etc. to a full array of coaching services from peer support recovery coaching, to integrative addiction and behavioral health coaching, lifestyle, relationship, and health and wellness coaching (including the Amen Clinic Method Brain Health Coaching), health insurance navigation assistance, transportation services, community education workshops, Certified Coaching program classes, Recovery yoga, Art Expression classes, service project opportunities, cafe and snacks, free wifi, special events, and a relaxation room. We co-create an encouraging environment that restores joy, hope, connection, purpose, and self-worth in people’s lives in a safe atmosphere that is committed to a sober lifestyle.